Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 4 of stims

Well, something is definitely happening in there. (there being my ovaries, what did you think???)

I've got mild and uncomfortable cramping along the line of my back, for you ladies out there, it very much feels like when you're about to get your period and your lower back hurts like a $#%#^. Yeah that's what it feels like right now.

My stomach feels tight as well and not in the 6 pack way, in the way that it feels tight to do simple turns, bend and touch my toes, you name it. I definitely see why they don't want yoga during this time period!

Only a week from tomorrow until conception day and these suckers can come out.

I'll definitely be eager to see how tomorrow's Day 5 stim ultrasound goes! Here's what I remember from 2008 on Day 5 of stims.