Friday, May 20, 2011

5dp5dt - Pregnant!

That's right folks. I'm pregnant. It worked! It worked! It worked!

Can you see me dancing? Can you see me laughing and crying and spinning in circles and did I say smiling yet? It worked. Thank the universe and all its good, it worked, it worked, it worked.

I woke up at 3 am this morning and believe it or not, peed in a cup and tested it. It was blurry, I was blurry, but whatever it said, I felt a bit anxious and crawled in next to Mark in bed. I thought and thought and thought. Hmmm, by now I should see SOMETHING more definitive right?

(Rewind to yesterday, I didn't tell you Bloggy, but I saw a faint line then too, but I wanted to be suresure, since the digital tests were rendering negative.)

Fast forward to this morning, toss turn, anxiety, sleep for two more hours and around 730 a.m. I peed again on about, *cough* five sticks. 3 generics, 2 first response two lines kind. All showed positive. I figured if pregnant, my HCG level is now at least at 25 and if healthy, will continue to rise. But the damn digital, that evil digital with its NOT PREGNANT staring at my face. I will conquer you digital. If I can get an HCG level high enough to render pregnant on these digitals, then I will finally believe it.

So this afternoon around 1, (ok, I admit first I went to the drug store and bought more tests. I am officially a maniac and there should be an intervention.) I came home and peed in a cup, arming myself with 3 different types of weapons, The Generic, The Expensive and The Digital.
The Generic and The Expensive immediately showed positive lines, and well the Digital....blink, blink, blink, blink, blink: and this is what I was saying aloud as crouched on my knees,



The other digital says "Yes +"

So, there you have it. I burst into tears. I am still in shock. How can you go from being not pregnant to pregnant? How can you go from not harboring life to one day sustaining it? I am overjoyed, thrilled, but still in shock. Another post when my mouth isn't hanging open and I look a little less like this: