I could handle that much better. Having to a wait a full 24 hours to see if our little 3 made it overnight is brutal. Are they going to call and say they all made it successfully and we will take them out to day 5? Will they call and say they all passed on and this IVF cycle is now cancelled? Will they call and say two passed on, leaving us hope that the remaining will be strong enough for 3 more days?? Will they call and say, will they call and say, will they call and say.
I'm trying my hardest to keep zen. The zen saying my friend Jenny gave me the other day is playing over and over in my mind, "The more you talk and think about it, the further you wander from the truth. So cease attachment to talking and thinking and there is nothing you will not be able to know....". Thankfully, my stepdaughter is here this morning and we are all going to hang out in the city before The Phone Call. M had to go to work so he won't be with me when I get The Call, but I told him to stay by the phone so I could try to conference him in.
Remember when conference calls were called "3 way calls"? Heh. Just remembered that.
Anyway, more later! Corss your fingers and send that hope to the universe for us.