Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Morning of Egg Retrieval

Well, here we are. Leaving in about an hour to pluck these suckers from my body. 5? 6? How many will we get? It's all so exciting. Tomorrow is the Big Fertilization Report where they let us know how many embryos were conceived.

I'm dressed in all orange because I think this baby has an orange aura (thanks, spiritbabies and M!) . Jonah and I went to Target yesterday and I got an orange shirt, orange and white yoga pants and orange striped socks. My shirt says "Love will find a way". I thought it was appropriate, no?

Speaking of inappropriate things, The Shits have already started this morning. You know the kind, where I'm so nervous that my bowels abandon me and I'm left fighting my gastrointestinal battles myself? Yeah, that. So, that's always fun bright and early in the morning.

Nothing to drink, nothing to eat says the doc, so I think that means I can have my morning coffee. :-) Nothing like fuel for the GastroBattle within.

Alright, we're off. Thanks to all of you wonderful people that have reached out to me to give me your kind words and loving support. I'm glad to have all of you with us on this journey.

Be back soon! (a little lighter, heh.)