Sunday, May 15, 2011

5 day Transfer - Waiting for The Call

Here I am, four hours prior to our scheduled appointment.

Again, we're waiting for The Call. This is the final The Call, as this call will let us know if we are 'safe' to come in for transfer, i.e. one of our lovebugs is still alive and ready to come back home.

Now normally, I would be super hopeful and not even blink an eye, but last time we were headed in for a transfer it didn't go so well. In fact, I didn't even get the CHANCE to bring our baby home.

But we will find out any minute now if we are good to go. And if we are, it's orange clothes and let's go! The babysitter gets here at 11, and we leave at 11.

Oh man, I need to start drinking water!