But screw it. I've been vulnerable, I've been honest, why stop now.
So symptoms: throughout the day I had twinges again in my abdomen, I say abdomen but I mean a bit lower. That lasted on and off all afternoon and now I have a "period like" fullness to my belly. It almost feels like the day before you get your period, but not as strong. Maybe two days before your period.
No boob soreness, no weird cervical mucus (you're welcome!) and otherwise pretty normal. I feel like something is happening in there. A churning, a burning, a something.
Emotionally, I feel a bit out of control. I've been tearing up at simple things, like when Jonah's music teacher told me of her past head injury and more things. I'm not sure if it's just me peaking from all of the emotions and process we've been through the past 6 months or what, but I feel on the edge. I think the best way to describe it is unsettled. Not a negative unsettled, but just not normal.
Psychological? Maybe so. But there it is. Me, 7 days after conception. Two days past a 5 day transfer.