Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 10 and Trigger Night

Well, looks like we're triggering tonight! Estrogen came back at 1485 is very close to what it was in 2008 (1435). So that means we're looking at at least 5 or 6 eggs. So, not GREAT, not TERRIBLE, but it is what it is.

They said to take my trigger tonight exactly at 8pm and that my egg retrieval would be at 8am Tuesday morning. Nothing to eat or drink after tomorrow at midnight. (ack, no morning coffee??)

I had the nurse mark on my butt a huge circle so M could be sure where to jab that sword tonight. We have to time it precisely, so nothing like obsessing over that for the next 5 hours and 18 minutes. :-)

But this is good, cause I'm done. I'm cooked. I'm tired of this now. I'm wanting to yank the bandaid off. I'm wanting the second positive line already.

BUT! We must wait a few more days for that. Tomorrow I'm supposed to pee on a pregnancy test to confirm that the HCG shot took ahold properly and I've got that all nicely laid out next to the sword IM shot tonight.

This is gonna be an exciting week and weekend.