Blogger has been down for editing so sorry about the lack of updates. You stink Blogger!
We’re still alive!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!
It’s amazing. Our three embryos are still alive and kicking.(ok, not kicking, floating?) One embryo is on his way out, he only divided into 4 cells instead of 8, but the other two are near “perfect” quality. Hallelujah!
So, the plan now is to grow out the remaining two embryos and hope they survive the next two days successfully. On Sunday morning, they will call and tell us which blastocyst is the strongest and most likely to create a pregnancy. They said they already had one in the running but growing them out two more days will see if the second one catches up and exceeds the first, or if the first one will outshine the second afterall. I love you two little embryos!! I love how strong you are, how determined you are, what fighters you are. Against all odds, my little embryos – thank you!!
So, much elation around these parts. Now we wait for another two days for the call on Sunday morning. I will yet again dress in my orange attire and start drinking the Torture Water. What is Torture Water? It’s the 36 ounces of water I have to drink without peeing at ALL. They need a VERY full bladder in order to get certain images on the ultrasound and for them to be able to best determine where to “drop” the embryo in my uterus. I hate this part. We will see how it goes this time around, but frankly I’m so happy right now I don’t care!
More soon.