Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 5 of Stims and Stim Check #1

We have some eggs a cookin'!

Today's appointment went well. I had one huge follicle at 12 mm and several bordering on 10 mm and 11mm. She said it's too early to tell, but she can definitely say we're perfectly normal. Me, normal? Why not.

She also said it's likely they will have me back for another ultrasound on Saturday or Sunday. This should be the final ultrasound before egg retrieval! Wow.

Nurse B called and gave me my instructions for the next couple of days:

Estrogen was @ 283 (2008, it was 192)

Continue the Gonal F @ 225 units
Double the Menopur to 150 units
Add Antagonist med Certotide at .25 units

So - so far so good. What's next?

Tonight I start a new medication called Certotide, this helps prevent premature ovulation. We don't want those suckers to pop until we're ready. This will be in combination with my stim meds. Another shot please? Sure, step right up!

Then, when the follicles are looking prime for pickin', I take another shot called HCG. Yes, this is the same HCG that pregnant women have running through their bodies. Why would you take HCG? To mature those last follicles before we pick em.

The funny thing is, after I take the HCG shot, my pregnancy tests come up positive. Ok, not that funny - ironic if you will. But being the Type A data person that I am, I continue to "test out" the HCG so I know I'm starting with a clean slate prior to transfer. (Test out means you just keep peeing on tests throughout the day until the tests can no longer detect HCG in your system.)

But more on that in a couple of days!