Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Instead of telling you what "2dp5dt" means, I'll just paste it from 2008!

Two days past a five day transfer. 2dp5dt - this is the type of lingo IVFers use when describing what stage of the 2ww they are in. 2ww - stands for "two week wait" which really isn't two weeks from the transfer, but rather two weeks from the egg retrieval.

I woke up hot and nauseous today, none of which I believe came from the embryo, but instead the progesterone I jam up my vag several times a day. It also makes me lethargic, a lil bitchy, and emotional. Sounds like pregnancy! But it's not, it's just the progesterone.

So here I am, 2 days past a 5 day transfer, 7 days past conception. I've got about one day left before the HCG trigger is out of my system entirely. The line is so faint right now, but I'd say one more day. Drink me some water today!

I'm starting to get nervous/cautious/what if this doesn't work! feelings. I am refusing to think of buying baby clothes and all that jazz until I get a positive test. I WANNA BE PREGNANT I feel like screaming to the world. I only hope it screams back "Well, ok here you go."

No real symptoms. A little twingy here and there but nothing too exciting.

We did get a call yesterday that our remaining embryo lasted another day and into the freezer he went! Nice job little dude! So, if this doesn't work, then we will try that little one next.

So, I do what most IVFers have learned to do so well, I wait.