Thursday, May 19, 2011

4dp5dt - When will you know?

I got a question from a loyal reader last night (ok, not really, it was one of my damngood friends Annie) and she asked "When will you know?"

It's a good question. The official answer, is I will know whether or not this little blastocyst stuck around for the afterparty on Wednesday 5/25. As in next week, I go in at 7:45 am and get my blood drawn which is called my "beta". They are testing to see if they can detect any HCG in my system that is produced by the embryo by this point. My 2008 post at 3dp5dt outlined a little of my obsessiveness around HCG. I'm not obsessing yet, I think I'm feeling cautious.

If indeed, the HCG level is about 100 or more, then they will ask me to come in again in two days. They would expect my HCG levels to have doubled by then, and if so, then they can assume it's a healthy pregnancy and the remaining steps are just to confirm the fetus' heartbeat and then I'm off to the midwife.

That being said, who the hell can really wait until their beta? Eff that. I'm a data person, I'm chock full o' pregnancy tests, and I'm not afraid to use them. Confession: I've peed on a pregnancy test every day since trigger. Annie can attest to my meticulousness in the quality assurance days, I wanted to get a baseline for every day within the trigger, and then every day until the trigger was officially out of my system. I mean, how bad would it suck to get all excited over a pregnancy to find out it was your injection? Heh. No thanks.

So, When will I know? Truth be told, in 2008, I found out I was pregnant with Jonah on 5dp5dt, which is um........tomorrow. Yes, I said it tomorrow. However, this is the VERY EARLIEST it could show up, and it is more likely that if I did get a positive, it would show up around 7dp5dt, Sunday. That is the norm (even up to 10dp5dt!), unless of course you have more than one embryo in there emitting HCG, then it's likely you would test positive sooner, because one's HCG levels would be higher than just one embryo, get it?

So what the hell does ALL OF THIS mean?

It means, randomly and casually throughout the next several days, I'm gonna be peeing in a cup and dunking my sticks. Hoping, looking and praying for a little thin white line next to my control line.

It means, the phrase "When will you know?" continues to play over and over in my head about 23 hours a day. I should know by the end of this weekend. But I'm not officially out of the game, until Wednesday's beta.

So, hold tight my family and friends. We're mere days away from closing this chapter. And it's been a damn long book, ya hear.

As far as symptoms, a little boob soreness, and boy am I bitchy today! I've been having some pretty intense dreams that have been making me a little down, but I'm still hanging in there. I feel a little like a loose cannon, but the ride is almost over.