Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 12 on BCP and Sperm Surgery

In five hours, Jonah's babysitter arrives and we head off to the hospital.

Once there, they will put Mark under, and take a needle to his balls. What a husband! Thanks dear.

Last time he had the surgery done, they said his right teste had plenty but that his left one was hard to work with due to a previous injury as a child. Let's just hope they find what they need after tapping the first one.

(I say tapping like its a Sperm Draft Beer or something.)

All stats say there is a high likelihood of us being able to retrieve fine no problem, but boy have we been the victim of stats! (vasectomy reversal, Colic, Frozen Embryo Transfer etc) We will be fine, all will be well and today our child will be plucked from the loins of his/her father.

Here's to half of the journey completed today. After this and our suppression check next Wed, it's Egg Plumpin time.

More when we get back.