There are all sorts of fun IVF calculators out there, that basically give you every single date you could possibly want since you literally know the minute of conception and there is no doubt on most of the these variables. Based on my current IVF schedule, *and* if I do indeed get pregnant, here are the stats for our little one:
Due Date: Jan 31, 2012
2nd Trimester - July 19
3rd Trimester - Nov 1
Heartbeat Begins
June 02, 2011
Limb Buds Forming
June 06, 2011
End Embryo Stage
June 21, 2011
U/S Heartbeat Detected
June 14, 2011
Brainwaves Begin
June 27, 2011
Essential Structures Complete
July 05, 2011
Movement Begins
August 02, 2011
Fetus May Suck Thumb
September 27, 2011
Maternal Sounds Recognized
October 11, 2011