me: hi baby
Mark: hi
me: hows ur day
Mark: Whats black and blue and red allover
me: ur balls
Mark: yep
me: awwww baby
And relation to the pain he's having in his balls.....
Mark: Now I know what it feels like to have a baby....
me: um.
did your entire TORSO come out of that incision?
Well then NO you DONT know what its like to have a baby. :-)
ha ha
Mark: jeez I didnt think you'd come out so quick....on the comparative anaysis
me: Not gonna happen. By any stretch of the imagination. If you perhaps cut a limb, maybe two cut off, slowly - then yes - I would say we could compare.
And it would be tangerines and oranges, but it would be close.
Mark: I can see my sympathy card has run it course...
me: No you still get gash in the junk sympathy
Just not childbirth sympathy.
Thats an entire different ball game.
You're in the pee wee league.
Mark: Well cant blame me for trying