Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Doctor

Indeed, we have a new doctor! The new clinic called yesterday and got all of my information and Mark's. We set up an appointment with Dr. K for February 25 @ 9. Here is where we will walk her through who we are, what our goals are and what our next steps will be for our May cycle.

How exciting It feels SO good to be somewhere NEW with NEW faces and a new energy. This is exactly what I needed.

In other news, talking to Jonah about potentially having a baby in the house is hilarious. Granted, it won't be for another year or so, so he'll be an even bigger brother - but yesterday we were pretending to run around and find diapers and wipes for the baby. When I said to Jonah "Oh no What if the baby is crying? What will momma do???"

"Nursies baby."

That's right you sweet boy, nursies the baby.