Saturday, June 18, 2011

Second baby picture!

(first was the blast picture, heh)

Here is our little one! You can see the head and body!

And look at its little yolk sac! My sweet baby.

Friday, June 17, 2011

First Ultrasound

Well folks, we have a baby!!

The ultrasound went awesome. We were nervous, I was a bit ill. But once the wand went in, BOOM, there the little one was floating in all his or her glory.

She quickly saw the heartbeat, 165, and said everything looked wonderful.

I was stoked, Mark was stoked, I burst into tears, the nurse cheered and we went on our way.

She said to go ahead and contact the midwife, and to come back for one last ultrasound at nine weeks.

Just a reminder, this is what our little Jonah looked like at nine weeks:

Look a whole baby!

So needless to say, we're all elated. I'm still coming down off my shock, and seeing our little bean today made it all the much more real. I will update soon with pictures from today.

Soon, planning baby stuffs!

7 weeks 3 days

Bacon + morning sickness = vomiting all morning

(never again.)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

7 weeks, 2 days

I feel like tomorrow can't come soon enough. We didn't have to wait this long for Jonah, but that was our choice this time around. I didn't want the drama of going too early, not seeing a heartbeat and then freaking out only to come back and see a heartbeat days later.

But I feel like I haven't been able to truly SEE the pregnancy yet (besides my constant hacking, lethargic state of of well being of course.)

Here are 7 week ultrasound scans. She/he will still be a little bean but we should definitely be able to see something this time around.

Mark is taking off work so we'll make a day of it. Excited.

I've gained two pounds which for someone who can't gain weight EVER, this is good news. I was down to 100 lbs at Christmas, and am now bordering around 108 which is only 5 pounds less than when I started with Jonah. I'll take it!

It seems like the only way to stave off puking is to be constantly eating. And I mean constant, the second my stomach gets hungry, I get SICK. I went to a zoo playdate yesterday and stuffed myself before going. While walking around for an hour or two, the familiar gag started up again.

If I really focus on it, I'd lose my lunch. If I bite my lip, swallow a couple of times, shake my head and think of something, anything but sickness, I can push it off for another minute or two. Rinse and repeat.

I've been doing the unisom and B6 and I guess it's working because I'm not miserable and still slightly able to function, but damn if I didn't have that I can't imagine how it would be.

But, this is all good news, this is all reassuring, this is all a part of the game, so I'll take it.

And tomorrow we get to see and hear our little one for the first time. I'm excited, nervous, and ready.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

7 weeks - Thanks for having morning sickness.

Occasionally Mark leaves me little notes on the counter before he goes to work. Sometimes they are funny drawings, sometimes words of encouragement and love.

The other day, I came down the stairs in the morning time to find a note on the counter that said:

"Thanks for having morning sickness."

At first I chuckled, placing the note on the large magnet board we have in the kitchen. Because I walk through the kitchen many times (6,499?) throughout the day, I see this note often now.

Like seeing the face of someone you love, it brings a sense of closeness to me.

But this morning, as I'm doing everything I can not to throw up, biting my lips, chewing food slowly, hacking, gagging, dry heave, I looked up and saw the note.

"Thanks for having morning sickness."

And perhaps it's the hormonal tears that have struck me as of late, but my heart ached for my husband and I read everything behind those words that were there all along.

I thank him for doing everything to bring our children in the world, for his surgeries, his life plans changing drastically, I thank him for doing all of this.

And here he was, thanking me too.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

6 weeks, 5 days

Still here. Still queasy. Blegh. I'm so looking forward to our appointment this Friday where I get to see our little bean. Until then, get out of the way of my nausea!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


The morning sickness is creeeeeeeeeeeping in, I can feel it. All fine one moment, the next I'm on a boat.

BUT, I'm pregnant, so it's worth it!